About Discount Promo Codes
Save and raise money simultaneously with the click of a button. With Discount Promo Codes you can now utilise our coupons not just to cut your spending but also to help donate money to charity. Our completely free promo codes are easy to use and create a win-win situation for all. We donate 20% of our profits to charity and we now give our consumers the chance to vote which charity it will be. With many worthy causes you should browse our Discount Promo Codes website to see what you can save.
With exclusive ties, we get in touch with retailers and try to hunt out the best deals for customers. We give you an assortment of brilliant promotions to redeem, browse through a list of our merchants to see which best suit you. Our organisation has a close association to many charities and we always like to try our best to help raise money and awareness.
How do the codes work?
It’s simple, our team dig out the best deals from different companies and then offer them on our website completely free. All you have to do is get the code, visit their site via the link and then remember to input the specific code at the checkout. As you go to cash in on our vouchers you will see instructions on how to redeem your promotion, so read that for step by step directions.
Are discount promo codes free?
Don’t stress, because yes these promo codes are completely free of charge to use. You can activate your code for no cost whatsoever. So sit back and relish your savings.
How do you help charity?
Well our team aim to assist charity as well as provide amazing offers that customers may not have find anywhere else. We donate 20% of our profits to a number of different charities including Barakah Food Aid, RNLI, The Who Cares? Trust, PDSA and many more. We dedicate a lot of our time and efforts to these inspirational charities and we like to thank all consumers who help. Have your say on who we should donate to by voting today. We raise money every month and an example of great achievements includes not so many months ago when we gave £3,174.28 to ‘Shelter’ thanks to all the online users.
What type of voucher codes are on Discount Promo Codes?
We feature an extensive range of retailers. As you scroll through our list you will see many major UK merchants that you recognise. As well as all those that look familiar you will also come across a selection of brands and stores you haven’t heard of. We have a wide spectrum of companies you can benefit from with industries such as health and beauty, supermarkets, fitness, travel, food, gadgets, mobile phones, tools and many more. You will spot retailers such as Tesco, Missguided, All Saints, Thomas Cook, Currys, Sports Direct, Maplin, Debenhams, Boohoo plus others.
Where do I start?
If you already have in mind the retailers you want to use, then type them into the search box. If you aren’t entirely sure then browse around our website, we list our top ten merchants and we also have a list of retailers. You can also visit our blog for an up to date take on what’s going on and how you can make appropriate savings. Stay in tune with our latest on goings with our Facebook and Twitter pages. We keep all our dedicated consumers in the loop with our charity activities, competitions, new site features and new discount promo codes that we upload.
Our Privacy Policy
We take online privacy seriously and therefore would like to draw your attention to our privacy policy that gives you full information on how we gather and use your personal data. Please feel free to read our privacy policy
Our team of bargain hunters do all the hard work as we strive to find the best offers on the market. Cut the prices of retailers by browsing our amazing deals. You end of the process is simple, enjoy top promotions whilst raising for a good cause in the process.