How Your Vote for Morgan’s Wings Can Help Families Affected by Miscarriage.

Posted on 03 Mar 2025 by Emily Atkinson-Dalton
Morgan’s Wings is one of the wonderful charities taking part in the Discount Promo Codes poll this March. If you haven’t cast your vote then read on to find out why Morgan’s Wings needs your support. Morgan’s Wings is a small, but impactful charity based in Cardiff, South Wales that support families affected by miscarriage. They do not receive any external funding but rely solely on the generosity of the community to ensure they can continue supporting families so please do consider voting for them.

morgans wings logo


What Does Morgan’s Wings Do?

1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage but there is still a huge stigma around miscarriage which leaves many parents feeling that they are alone in their journey. Morgan’s Wings provide comfort, support and remembrance for families affected by miscarriage. Through emotional support, commemorative products and practical resources they aim to ensure that no one faces pregnancy loss alone. Morgan’s Wings’ Mission is to break the silence around miscarriage, offering a compassionate community where families can find solace, share their stories and honour their babies.




What Services do Morgan’s Wings Provide?

Morgan’s Wings aims to break the stigma through education and by facilitating conversations around pregnancy loss and baby loss. They work closely with hospitals to ensure that families are treated with compassion and that hospital staff are empathetic when dealing with pregnancy loss. Morgan’s Wings provide hygiene care packages to early pregnancy loss units in hospitals across South Wales to ensure that those kept in hospital unexpectedly can have access to products that will make their stay a bit more comfortable. They also provide memory boxes to families across the United Kingdom so that every parent who has lost a baby can have something tangible to commemorate their child. In addition, Morgan’s Wings provide ‘certificates of life’ so that every baby, regardless of gestation can be recognised. Morgan’s Wings also runs a lending library , where you can borrow books on miscarriage and bereavement. They also run Grief Cafes ensuring that parents have a safe space in which they can talk about their love and the loss of their baby.

hospital memory box


How Can I Contact Morgan’s Wings?

Morgan’s Wings can be contacted through their website or via e-mail and are on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.


How Can I Support Morgan’s Wings?

You can support Morgan’s Wings by:

march for morgan misscarriage


How Can I Find Out More about Morgan’s Wings?

Find out more about Morgan’s Wings and the wonderful work they do at, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.

Please consider voting for Morgan’s Wings via our Homepage and please show your support for Morgan’s Wings by sharing on your own social media and encouraging others to vote for free for Morgan’s Wings.

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