6 Signs That You're Not Getting Enough Vitamin D

Posted on 26 Oct 2016 by Julian House
Staggering research reveals that over half of the UK population are vitamin D deficient. This vital mineral is key to our body’s functions and a lack of it could lead to a number of illnesses.

 This week is Vitamin D Awareness Week and it’s perfectly to coincide with the arrival of shorter days. The clocks go back on October 30th meaning an extra hour in bed, but shorter amounts of time in the sunlight. It’s rare that we get much sun in Britain as it is and that’s why it’s no surprise that over half of the population aren’t fulfilling their vitamin D needs.


Vitamin D Deficiency

It can be hard to tell whether you are vitamin D deficient and it often goes unnoticed, that’s why we list some of the signs. If you feel as though you may not be getting enough then use our Holland and Barratt promo codes or Just Vitamins discount codes for money off capsules and spray.


Aching Bones

Attaining a high calcium intake can become redundant if other integral minerals aren’t accounted for, vitamin D included. Vitamin D is responsible for absorbing and regulating calcium and phosphorus- both responsible for strong bones. When we neglect our needs for sunshine or at least a supplemented version of vitamin D we can risk stress fractures, aching bones and weak bones. It’s important to get the right amount, so be sure not to take too much each day either.

Muscle Weakness

A recent study revealed that weak muscles and dull aches could be down to vitamin D deficiency. It’s common in elderly people due to the fact that skin needs to synthesise pro-vitamin calcidiol and as we get older it loses the ability to do so.

Feeling Down

This vitamin has been closely linked with our mood in a number of different research and case studies. Low levels of it have often shown depression and mood swings. Sufficient vitamin D enables our body to use the concentration of our serotonin hormone appropriately and subsequently brighten up our mood. So if you often feel in a rut and can’t quite work out why, then maybe you should see your local GP to test your levels.

Constantly ill

The mineral is intertwined to much of our immune system and failing to get enough could impact our overall health. If you find yourself constantly getting ill with coughs, colds and the flu then your immune defences could be down. This could be a result of little vitamin D being immersed on a day-to-day basis.


Gut Problems

Vitamin D is a fat soluble, so anybody that has gastrointestinal problems could struggle to absorb this element. Those who struggle with IBS, bloating or diarrhoea could be deficient.


Prone Groups

Some groups are more prone to being deficient than others, with elderly and children often struggling to get enough of the important vitamin. Over a quarter of all children in the UK don’t get enough vitamin D. So, those over 70 should be aiming to supplement their vitamin D needs in Britain and also try to get out in the sun for five or ten minutes when possible. Those with darker skin are more susceptible to a deficiency of this kind too, 90% of the multi-ethnic population in the UK are vitamin D deficient.


What You Should Do

If you are suffering from these signs then consult a doctor. They can test you can find out if you are deficient in this mineral, but there are ways that you can try to make a difference today. Use capsules and tablets but ensure that they are vitamin D3. Some people prefer to use spray as it is believed to be more bioavailable and our body can make greater use. Click onto the links above and save money on the supplements you wish to use.

We shouldn’t solely rely on substitutes and supplements, we can also look to get out in the sun when possible. In this day and age, with much of our work done indoors and very little spells of sunshine, it isn’t always possible. You can enjoy a sunny holiday away to top up your levels with Thomas Cook promo codes, or organise more outdoor activities at the weekend. On top of getting out and about, look to consume mushrooms, oily fish, fortified cereal and other vitamin D food source.


Recommended Amount

The best levels to achieve are between 50 and 80 ng/ml. If supplementing then ensure your intake is around 10mcg a day. The NHS breaks down their recommended guidelines when supplementing.

Find out if you are lacking this rich nutrient and ensure to make changes if you are. It is important that we make the most of Vitamin D Awareness week for those that might be unknowingly suffering.



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