Vote for Epilepsy Action This January and Help Improve the Lives of Those Affected By Epilepsy

Posted on 23 Dec 2021 by Amy Jackson

About Epilepsy Action

epilepsy action logo

Epilepsy Action is a charity with a vision to improve every individual’s lives who are affected by epilepsy. Around 600,00 people in the UK are affected by this neurological condition - almost 1 in 100. People with epilepsy have a tendency to experience seizures, and the condition can start at any age. There are also many different types of epilepsy, some of which may last for a limited time with seizures eventually stopping. However for many people, epilepsy is a lifelong condition that is most commonly treated with medication.

This epilepsy charity works towards better quality healthcare and treatments as well as increased awareness of the condition so that those with the condition are able to access the right support to manage their illness, as well as ensure they are treated fairly and with respect.


What Do Epilepsy Action Do?

Offer Information and Advice on Epilepsy:
The charity has an Epilepsy Action helpline available through which individuals can receive personal and confidential support from trained advisers who can answer any questions you may have.

Wide range of books, online learning and leaflets on the condition are also available to individuals so they can be educated on the condition. All these resources are available for carers, support staff, schools, sufferers as well as their families.

Offer Support for People With Epilepsy and Educate

The charity allows people living with the condition to connect with each other through a network of coffee and chat groups and local branches.

Volunteers regularly run awareness sessions on epilepsy as well as information days at organisations.

They have an online community on Facebook where people can talk to each other who are affected by epilepsy.

Run Campaigns to Create Change

The charity runs a number of awareness campaigns to bring about better understanding and a society where those with the condition are treated with respect.

Their recent campaigns include:

Working with employers and the government to reduce prejudice around employees with epilepsy, and to implement better support measures for them.

Involvement in the debate around cannabis based medications for people with epilepsy, working to ensure those who would benefit from these treatments are able to access them safely.

The 2019 Neuro Pledge Campaign, which works to raise issues affecting people with epilepsy and other neurological conditions in Parliament.

Research & Support for Professionals

Epilepsy Action also funds research studies and opportunities for patients and the public to get involved. These studies look into causes of epilepsy and the issues facing patients with it, and into new treatments with the long term goal of someday finding a cure for the condition.The charity also provides a range of up to date and high quality information on epilepsy to inform and keep professionals up to date with the latest treatments and developments.


Good to Know Epilepsy FAQs and Epilepsy Action Q&As


What is the Main Cause of Epilepsy?

Epilepsy usually develops due to an abnormal circuit activity in the brain. This can be caused from a serious brain injury, faulty wiring during brain development and brain inflammation.


Can I live a normal life with Epilepsy?

Most people live a full and healthy life with epilepsy, however you will need to take precautions and avoid scenarios which may trigger your epilepsy. You will also need to ensure that people around you know about your condition. There are AEDs available as well as other tools and help for you so your everyday life is not affected.


How Do I Contact Epilepsy Action Charity?

If you have a question about epilepsy, you can call the charity’s freephone on 0808 8000 5050, and if you are looking to get in touch with their head office, you can do so by emailing them on [email protected]. Their office address is New Anstey House, GateWay Drive, Yeadon, LEEDS, LS19 7XY. Staff may be working away from the office due to the Coronavirus pandemic, so do double check before planning on visiting their office.


How Can I Help Epilepsy Action?

This January, Epilepsy Action are one of our three charities taking part in our monthly poll in a bid to win 20% of our profits. You can help them continue providing their vital services to everyone affected by epilepsy by casting your vote today. Thank you!

To find out more about Epilepsy Action, the work they do, and how you can donate, visit their website

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