Shining a Light on Cancer Support: Vote Ray of Light with

Posted on 24 Jun 2024 by Emily Atkinson-Dalton
Cancer. A word that strikes fear into the hearts of millions. The emotional and physical toll it takes on individuals, families, and friends is immense. Yet, within the darkness, a beacon of hope shines – charities like Ray of Light. is proud to include Ray of Light in our June 2024 charity poll. Here, you'll discover the incredible work they do, why their cause deserves your support, and how your vote can make a real difference.

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Ray of Light: A Guiding Force for Cancer Patients

Ray of Light is a Wales-based charity dedicated to providing free, practical, and emotional support to cancer patients, their families, carers, and anyone affected by the disease. Founded on the belief that nobody should face cancer alone, they offer a comprehensive range of services, including:

Telephone Befriending: Emotional Support: Ray of Light provides one-to-one telephone sessions, helping to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of a cancer diagnosis.

Connecting with Nature Groups: providing a variety of woodcrafts, bushcraft skills, arts and crafts, yoga and mindfulness techniques are just some of the therapies offered to promote relaxation and well-being.

Financial: Ray of Light offer short breaks funded by The Short Breaks Scheme funded by Welsh Government

Information and support groups: Connecting with others who understand the challenges of cancer can be invaluable. Ray of Light facilitates support groups for patients, carers, and families.


The Unwavering Impact of Ray of Light

The impact Ray of Light has on those they serve is undeniable. Here are just a few examples:

Sarah's Story: Diagnosed with breast cancer, Sarah felt overwhelmed and isolated. Ray of Light's counselling services provided her with a safe space to express her fears and anxieties.

David's Story: David, a young cancer patient, found immense comfort in Ray of Light's complementary therapies. The relaxation techniques helped him manage stress and improve his sleep quality.

The Jones Family: The Jones family faced a financial crisis after their father's cancer diagnosis. Ray of Light's financial assistance helped them stay afloat during this difficult time.

These are just a few examples of how Ray of Light makes a real difference in the lives of those touched by cancer.


Why Your Vote Matters

Every 2 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. The need for support services like those offered by Ray of Light is crucial. By voting for Ray of Light in our June 2024 charity poll, you're directly contributing to their lifesaving work.

Here's how your vote translates into real impact:

● 20% of's profits for this month will go directly to the winning charity. This could translate into funding for additional support groups, therapists, or even financial assistance grants.

● Your vote raises awareness: By voting for Ray of Light, you're helping spread awareness about their crucial services and the importance of cancer support.


Saving Money While Making a Difference: The Way empowers you to save money on your online shopping while also supporting a worthy cause. It's a win-win situation! Here's how it works:

1. Find amazing deals and discounts: Use our extensive database of discount codes to save on everything from fashion and electronics to groceries and travel.

2. Cast your vote in our monthly charity poll: Choose the charity closest to your heart, in this case, Ray of Light.

3. Shop and save! With every purchase using one of our discount codes, you contribute to the winning charity.

Together, we can make a difference. Vote for Ray of Light today and join us in shining a light on cancer support.

Take Action Now:

● Visit our website at to browse our discount codes and cast your vote for Ray of Light.

● Share this page with your friends and family and encourage them to vote too!

● Consider making a direct donation to Ray of Light – every little bit helps.

Together, through our collective power, we can make a significant impact in the fight against cancer.

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