Support Vital Research With a Vote For ME Research UK

Posted on 26 May 2021 by Amy Jackson
Celebrating its 21st anniversary this year, ME Research UK exists to commission and fund vital scientific (biomedical) research into the causes, effects and treatment of M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

ME Research UK Logo

What is ME/CFS?

ME/CFS affects people of all ages, social, and ethnic backgrounds.  It's a reality for up to 240,000 people in the UK, and the physical symptoms can be highly debilitating, placing a significant burden on not only people with the condition, but also on their friends, family and carers too. Despite this, ME/CFS is an illness that is neither well understood nor the illness burden properly recognised. The illness has faced a significant under-investment when it comes to biomedical research and, compared with other neurological disorders, ME/CFS research receives very little funding. ME Research UK is a beacon - funding research and attracting new researchers to examine the illness.


What Does ME Research UK Do?

The charity is one of the main non-governmental funders of biomedical research not just in the UK, but globally. To date, over £2.2 million has been invested in projects investigating many of the systems within the body. ME Research UK believes that it's only through biomedical research that the causes of ME/CFS be discovered, diagnosis improved and a treatment or cure found.

The charity also works to raise awareness of ME/CFS, and to provide high quality, up to date information on every single aspect of the illness for a number of different audiences.

Since being founded, ME Research UK has funded more research projects into ME/CFS than any other organisation in the world outside of North America. Over the years, the charity has raised funds from an extensive range of sources, from applications to grant-making trusts and hosting various fundraising events. However, the main stream of revenue - often the basis of all projects - comes from the generous donations and fundraising efforts of their supporters.

Your support will help to ensure that vital biomedical research into ME/CFS continues. Find out more about the charity and their work by visiting their website:

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